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                                     My  Photos  ( To the future )

   kabin    イカマンダラ   seigo1

               A vace  花瓶

               Cuttlefish Mandala  烏賊曼荼羅



     seigo2       musik4 fall




                  Fall of leaves in my garden

    haru      card2






                           X,mas card of some day


  seigoburu  image003    future



                To children


      tyuujou       gangafall    seigiolunch

        中将姫と仏陀 (Tyuujouhime and Buddah )          

           Descent of Ganga  (ガンガーの下降)                       



  seigobaloon       future        flower


          To the future  

            a flower                


  nijouzan    seigo4sai     sarnato

              二上山 (Mt. Nijozan)


    サルナート (Sarnath)           

  teruma2       seigoteruma       tomato  


          Seigo and Teruma  

            Seigo with tomatos in the garden               


  terma3       seigoonion         


          Seigo in the garden 


  Seigo and Teruma   Boys with vegetables  Kana 4 months



   Kana 8ヶ月  Michan         Kana 10ヶ月 Terma 5 歳 Seigo 9歳